Snake Catching Equipment: Tools of the Trade

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Robert watson snake handling two red=bellied black snakes


Snake catching is a specialized skill that requires not only knowledge and experience but also the right tools to ensure the safety of both the snake catcher and the reptile being handled. In this article, we'll explore the essential equipment used by snake catchers in the field.

1. Snake Hooks

Snake hooks are a fundamental tool for snake catchers. These long, slender tools have a hook or gentle tip at the end and are used to lift, manipulate, and safely control snakes without direct contact. Snake hooks come in various lengths to accommodate different snake sizes and species. Using a snake hook allows snake catchers to maintain a safe distance from the snake and minimize the risk of a bite.

2. Snake Tongs

Snake tongs are designed for capturing snakes safely and securely, especially in situations where they need to be relocated or removed. Snake tongs have a scissor-like design with padded jaws that gently grip the snake's body without causing harm. They come in various lengths to handle snakes of different sizes and are particularly useful when dealing with venomous species.

3. Gloves

Protective gloves are a must when handling snakes. Snake handling gloves are designed to be bite-resistant, providing a barrier between the snake's fangs and the handler's skin. These gloves are typically made of durable materials that are puncture-proof, ensuring the handler's safety during snake encounters.

4. Snake Bags and Containers

When capturing snakes for relocation or study, snake catchers use snake bags and containers. These are soft, breathable bags or containers with secure closures that prevent the snake from escaping. Snake bags are often used for non-venomous snakes, while venomous snakes are often placed in sturdy, escape-proof containers.

5. Safety Goggles

Safety goggles or protective eyewear are essential when working with snakes, especially venomous species. These goggles provide protection for the eyes in case of striking or spitting by the snake. Snake catchers should wear safety goggles to prevent eye injuries during encounters.

6. Snake Bite Kit

A snake bite kit is a critical piece of equipment that includes items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and other medical supplies for immediate first aid in case of a snakebite. While it's important to seek professional medical attention, having a snake bite kit on hand can help minimize the effects of venom before reaching a hospital.

7. Proper Clothing

Snake catchers should wear appropriate clothing when handling snakes. This typically includes long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and high boots. Clothing should be thick enough to minimize the risk of snakebites and provide protection from potential environmental hazards.


Snake catching equipment is vital for the safety of both the snake catchers and the snakes themselves. These tools of the trade enable snake catchers to handle these remarkable reptiles with care and expertise. Whether for relocation, research, or public safety, the right equipment ensures that snake catchers can carry out their duties effectively and responsibly.

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