Snake and Human Coexistence: Lessons from Indigenous Cultures

Sunday 27 August 2023

Snakes have coexisted with humans throughout history, and the ways in which various indigenous cultures have interacted with these reptiles offer valuable lessons in harmonious coexistence. In this article, we'll delve into the practices of indigenous cultures and explore what we can learn from their respectful relationship with snakes.

The Importance of Snakes in Indigenous Cultures

In many indigenous cultures, snakes hold a significant place in mythology, spirituality, and daily life. These cultures often revere snakes as symbols of wisdom, healing, transformation, and protection. Snakes are not seen as threats but as allies in the natural world.

Snakes as Guardians

Indigenous communities have often regarded snakes as guardians of their villages, crops, and sacred sites. For instance, in parts of India, the cobra is revered as a protective deity, and people often build shrines to honor and seek the blessings of these snakes.

The Healing Wisdom of Snakes

In traditional medicine systems, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, snake venom is used for its therapeutic properties. Indigenous healers have long recognized the potential of snake venom for treating various ailments. The knowledge passed down through generations highlights the importance of responsible snake handling and sustainable practices.

Lessons in Respect and Conservation

Indigenous cultures teach us the importance of respecting all creatures in their natural habitats. Snakes are viewed as integral parts of the ecosystem, and their well-being is intertwined with the well-being of the community. Practices that honor the snake's role in maintaining balance in the environment can serve as examples of sustainable coexistence.

Learning from Indigenous Practices

So, what can we learn from indigenous cultures about living in harmony with snakes?

  1. Respect for All Life: Indigenous cultures emphasize respect for all living beings, including snakes. Recognizing the inherent value of each creature is a vital lesson in coexistence.

  2. Sustainable Practices: Indigenous communities often practice sustainable resource management, which includes responsible snake handling and conservation efforts. We can adopt similar practices to protect snake populations and their habitats.

  3. Cultural Wisdom: The wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations in indigenous cultures highlight the interconnectedness of all life. By embracing this wisdom, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

  4. Education and Awareness: Indigenous cultures value education about local wildlife. Learning from these practices, we can increase awareness about snakes, dispel myths, and foster a culture of coexistence.


Indigenous cultures have much to teach us about coexisting with snakes and appreciating their role in the natural world. By adopting their respect for all life, sustainable practices, and cultural wisdom, we can forge a path to a more harmonious relationship with these fascinating reptiles.

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