The Most Common Venomous Snakes in Australia

Wednesday 15 February 2023


Australia is renowned for its unique and diverse wildlife, but it's also home to some of the world's most venomous snakes. Understanding which snakes are venomous is crucial for those living in or visiting this beautiful country. In this blog post, we'll explore the most common venomous snakes in Australia, providing information about their characteristics, distribution, and how to stay safe.

The Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Commonly Known As: The "Fierce Snake" or "Small-scaled Snake" Venom Rating: The most venomous snake in the world The Inland Taipan is known for its incredibly potent venom, but it is also known for its elusive nature. It's primarily found in arid regions of central Australia. Thankfully, encounters with this snake are exceedingly rare due to its remote habitat.

The Eastern Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis)

Venom Rating: Highly venomous The Eastern Brown Snake is one of the most frequently encountered venomous snakes in eastern Australia. It is agile, often found in urban areas, and can deliver a potent venomous bite. This snake varies in color, from brown to black, and is often found in grassy habitats.

The Coastal Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus)

Commonly Known As: The "Coastal Taipan" or "Common Taipan" Venom Rating: Highly venomous The Coastal Taipan is another highly venomous snake, but it is known for its shy disposition. It is found in coastal regions of northern and eastern Australia and prefers tropical and subtropical environments.

The Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus)

Venom Rating: Highly venomous Tiger snakes are found in southern regions of Australia and are known for their distinctive bands or stripes. They inhabit a variety of environments, including wetlands and forests.

The Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus)

Venom Rating: Moderately venomous The Red-bellied Black Snake is found along the eastern coast of Australia and is recognized by its striking black color with red or orange belly scales. It is less aggressive than some other venomous species.

Staying Safe

Avoid Provocation: Most snake bites occur when humans try to interact with or harm snakes. It's crucial to leave them alone and keep a safe distance. Be Mindful in Snake-Prone Areas: In regions where venomous snakes are common, watch your step, especially in tall grass and rocky terrain. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Learn First Aid: Knowing basic snakebite first aid, such as immobilizing the bitten limb and applying a compression bandage, can be lifesaving. Stay Informed: If you live in or plan to visit an area known for venomous snakes, educate yourself about the local species and how to react if you encounter one.


Australia's venomous snakes are a natural part of the country's ecology, and most of them play essential roles in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Understanding which snakes are venomous and how to coexist with them is vital for safety and conservation efforts. By staying informed and respecting these remarkable reptiles, we can enjoy Australia's unique natural beauty while minimizing risks.

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